Contracts Springer Nature and Taylor & Francis published

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-09


"Earlier this year the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) reached an agreement on the main issues with Springer Nature and Taylor & Francis. In the past months details have been fleshed out in the contract. Both publishers have now agreed to publish their contract. Agreements about subscription fees for academic journals are made with academic publishers on behalf of all of the Dutch universities. The VSNU is currently negotiating with these publishers on the universities’ and university medical centers behalf. The universities are only willing to renew the subscription agreements on the condition that the publishers will make their articles available in open access. This has been achieved with many publishers, as can be read in the e-zine published earlier this year. "


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Date tagged:

07/09/2018, 13:49

Date published:

07/09/2018, 09:49