Replicable Business Models for Replicable Science ~ Generation R

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-17


"Open Access, Open Data, and more broadly Open Science have the set goal to overcome these legacy publication systems, which have the restriction of access as their core business model. But which newer setups work, and which ones don’t? We are thus back to a new empirical question, this time of an entrepreneurial nature: how to setup a sustainable publication ecosystem which furthers replicability?

In a way, a publishing platform compares quite well with an experiment: you have a context (your subfield), some procedures (workflows, toolchains), and computer code/software. All this together yields (business) data. The logical step is to make these available for replication. This is what has been done in the OpenAire-project Full disclosure: replicable strategies for book publications supplemented with empirical data."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » acavaminombre's bookmarks


Date tagged:

07/17/2018, 10:00

Date published:

07/17/2018, 06:00