Denialism on the Rocks: It Just Got a Lot Harder to Pretend that Predatory Publishing Doesn't Matter - The Scholarly Kitchen

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-08-07


"If you want to adopt the first strategy, you have lots of tools available to you. There’s always simple denial, which can take multiple forms: try the argument that predatory publishing has nothing to do with OA (and therefore isn’t a problem that the OA community has any need to address), or that predatory publishers aren’t really predatory but are merely “innovators,” purveyors of “new wave” journals with lower acceptance standards and faster turnaround times, or that only an idiot would be fooled by them and therefore what’s the big deal? Unfortunately, none of these arguments is particularly convincing, given that these journals are invariably OA publications, that they don’t do anything especially innovative (selling fake scholarly credentials has a long and ugly history, after all), and that they demonstrably attract lots of authors, a significant number of whom don’t seem to be idiots."


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Date tagged:

08/07/2018, 16:42

Date published:

08/07/2018, 12:42