CREATe Symposium 2019: Information, (Research) Data and Open Science Workshop | CREATe

AllyFarnhill's bookmarks 2019-12-11


"The “Information, (research) data and open science” workshop was organised during the third and final day of the CREATe Symposium 2019, held at the School of Law (University of Glasgow). The workshop explored some of the most pressing issues related to ownership, access and reuse of data from an interdisciplinary perspective. The workshop chair, CREATe’s co-director Dr Thomas Margoni, opened the discussion by offering a high profile overview of the important role that data is increasingly playing in our society, which includes access to knowledge on an equal and non discriminatory basis, the “replicability crisis” suffered in many scientific areas, and the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in private and public choices. These new policy and regulatory questions pose serious challenges to the legal system, which has the duty to find a balance between innovation and creativity on the one hand and the protection of investments and personal data on the other, while always ensuring that fundamental rights are properly accounted for."


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Date tagged:

12/11/2019, 10:22

Date published:

12/11/2019, 05:22