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Clement's bookmarks 2018-08-06
"Introduction: This paper explores the development of institutional reposit ories as a global phenomenon, comparing their objectives with the core principles of scholarly communication that have preserved and disseminated western knowledge for the past two centuries. Method: The paper discusses some general issues related to upt ake and acceptance of institutional repositories, including a range of perspectives on their purpose, what they should contain, and how to increase their use. The paper then relates these ideas to findings from some preliminary research in New Zealand bas ed on interviews with university library staff responsible for developing repositories , and a pilot study of academics‘ attitudes towards institutional repositories. Findings: As shown in reports from the literature , institutional repositories in New Zeala nd vary greatly in purpose, scope and content and they way they are managed and promoted. New Zealand academics making their research available in institutional repositories are motivated more by public good rather than enhanced reputation, but remain concerned with issues of intellectual property, and the quality and prestige of repositories as channels for disseminating research. Conclusion: Libraries and the academic community have conflicting views concerning the value of institutional repositories, and their relationship with the traditional scholarly communication system. It may be necessary to reconsider the purpose of repositories, and how they are developed and marketed to maximise their benefits."