Our response to the Plan S implementation guidance | Cancer Research UK
jackieproven's bookmarks 2019-02-11
"At CRUK, we're committed to ensuring that the data and knowledge generated through our funding is put to maximum use by the scientific research community and, whenever possible, is translated to deliver patient benefit. One of the ways we do this is by providing timely, open and unrestricted access to published research. This facilitates rapid sharing of knowledge and promotes innovation. Thus, we strongly support the aim of Plan S to make research openly available.
We have sought feedback from our researchers, by surveying CRUK-funded group leaders and fellowship holders to gather their opinions on Plan S. We received over 100 responses, with detailed feedback. Concerns were raised by our researchers and internally about the proposed implementation of Plan S, detailed in our response below, which prevent us from signing up to the current version of the plan. We need to ensure that our researchers are not in any way disadvantaged and can continue to do the best science and accelerate progress in cancer research.
Based on this feedback and internal discussions at CRUK, we do not feel the current implementation plan is the best way forward, but we are willing to continue to work with cOAlition S to overcome these significant barriers and find a workable implementation.