ISCB Member Feedback Sought on (Draft) Literature Open Public Access Policy Statement

jackieproven's bookmarks 2012-07-31


The International Society for Computational Biology is calling for feedback on its draft OA policy. It will accept comments until June 11. Excerpt: "Recommendations. [1] There should be free, open, online, public access to research results in the archival scientific and technical literature, with all their existing content including supplementary material and data. This access may be at an interval following publication, which interval should not exceed one year....[5] Policy details — which version, where stored, how annotated and organized, what incentives — must be considered carefully. However, it has become essential to put forward a broad policy mandate for eventual public access to research knowledge.... We in the ISCB are committed to the continuous enhancement and leveraging of mankind’s knowledge resources. To achieve this goal, investment in open public access to the research literature must be made...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Connotea Imports


oa.biology oa.mandates oa.societies oa.policies oa.consultations



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 18:38

Date published:

05/18/2010, 21:44