REF 2029 policy update – Spring 2024

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-06-25


Today we are releasing three updates on our policy development for REF 2029.

REF policy roadmap

A policy roadmap setting out our approach to REF 2029 policy development. We are taking a different approach to policy development for REF 2029, working with the community to develop policy in modules that will be released as they are developed. We want to provide you with as much information on policy development as we can; this includes an outline of the issues we’re focusing on, an indicative timeline, and our approach to community engagement.

Initial decisions consultation report

The Initial Decisions Consultation Report is an analysis of sector responses to the Initial Decisions Consultation that was carried out in the Autumn of 2023. This report is being published in the interests of transparency and collaboration with the research community and marks the final output of the Future Research Assessment Programme (FRAP). The consultation received responses from a broad range of individuals, Higher Education Institutions, and sector bodies, all of which have provided us with great insight into the community’s thoughts. We will continue to use the consultation analysis as evidence for the development of REF 2029 policy.

Update to the REF timetable

The REF timetable has been updated to outline the project plan for REF 2029.



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Date tagged:

06/25/2024, 04:38

Date published:

06/25/2024, 00:38