Did you know that we're part of the Open Book Collective? | University of London Press

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-07-18


Earlier this year, we were excited to join the Open Book Collective (OBC). The OBC is a charity bringing together open access book publishers, open publishing service providers, and knowledge institutions including libraries. Our shared aim is to deliver a fairer and more sustainable future for open access book publishing which doesn’t rely on Book Processing Charges (BPCs).

We joined alongside Leuven University Press and University of Westminster Press back in February, and together we are part of the ‘University Press’ package. Libraries can support our work either as an individual publisher or as part of the University Press package. The annual cost of subscribing for libraries varies depending on the size/location of the supporting organisation – pricing tiers can be found below. Each press included is either 100% open access already or moving towards at least 75% open access on new books.





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Date tagged:

07/18/2024, 04:08

Date published:

07/18/2024, 00:08