Lenardi (2024) Absurdities, Ironies, Hyper-Production and Artificial Bogeymen (a letter to Nature)

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-07-18


Lenardic, A. (2024). Absurdities, Ironies, Hyper-Production and Artificial Bogeymen. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12746889

This piece is an expanded version of a short letter to the editor about an article that appeared in Nature. The Nature article was titled "Is ChatGPT making scientists hyper-productive?" The original letter to the editor pointed out that the article made a temporal freeze frame error and was presented in a mode of disingenuous questioning that would hamper community wide self-examination into the issue of science production. The editors passed - no hard feelings. This piece expanded the letter to address issues related to what has come to be termed 'publication overload' (also called 'publication strain' in some studies).




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Date tagged:

07/18/2024, 06:14

Date published:

07/18/2024, 02:14