Dissertation survey: Opinions on Digital Piracy from LIS stakeholders | UCL

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-07-19


This survey is part of a piece of research investigating the impact of digital piracy through a Library and Information Science lens and taking into account the critical stakeholders in this space. The intention of this survey is to collect general opinions on the perceived impact of digital piracy from all stakeholders drilling down into professional and user perspectives. It seeks to understand what stance librarians should take regarding this subject, and where legal changes might have merit. No prior knowledge is necessary to answer this survey, there are no wrong answers and participation is voluntary. If you are over the age of 18, and work in a Library and Information Science (LIS) or LIS-adjacent profession then your input would be greatly appreciated. There are a maximum of 29 questions, most are multiple choice, and all optional with the exception of profession. The survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete depending on how much you wish to write. You can exit the survey and your previous comments will be saved so that you can go back and complete the survey when you have time.




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Date tagged:

07/19/2024, 03:46

Date published:

07/18/2024, 23:46