Poster "No open access without open infrastructure: Five not-for-profit infrastructures with shared values for OA books" | Copim community @ Open-Access-Tage 2024

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-09-11


Hillen, H., Davison, S., Findanis, J., Ramalho, A., Sanders, K., & Steiner, T. (2024). No open access without open infrastructure: Five not-for-profit infrastructures with shared values for OA books (1.0). Open-Access-Tage 2024 (OA-Tage 2024), Cologne, Germany. Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (Copim).

With this poster, we present the collaborative work of five not-for-profit infrastructures – the Open Book Collective, Opening the Future, OAPEN, the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), and Thoth Open Metadata – united by a set of shared, community-led values, who are joining forces to provide innovative, open services, models, workflows, and infrastructures to bring about a fully open and bibliodiverse ecosystem for Open Access books.

This poster is available in four languages:

  • English: No open access without open infrastructure: Five not-for-profit infrastructures with shared values for OA books
  • Spanish: No hay accesso abierto sin infraestrucutra abierta: Cinco infraestructuras sin fines de lucro con valores compartidos para libros de acceso abierto
  • German: Kein Open Access ohne Offene Infrastrukturen. Fünf gemeinnützige Infrastrukturen mit gemeinsamen Werten für Open Access Bücher
  • Brasilian-Portuguese: Não há acesso aberto sem infraestrutura aberta Cinco infraestruturas sem fins lucrativos com valores compartilhados para livros de acesso aberto



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.books oa.infrastructure oa.metadata oa.thoth_open_metadata oa.oapen oa.doab oa.opening_the_future oa.copim oa.publishing oa.presentations oa.discoverability oa.open_book_collective

Date tagged:

09/11/2024, 07:08

Date published:

09/11/2024, 03:08