OIPA, IOAP and Copim webinar "Delivering Open Access for Books by Default: The role of community-led funding models and infrastructures " Oct 24, 2pm GMT | Open Institutional Publishing Association

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-10-21


 In this joint webinar from IOAP and OIPA, we will hear from key members of the Copim community. which has been working since 2019 to make Open Access for books by default a realistic aspiration.

It will include presentations from three Copim initiatives: Opening the FutureOpen Book Collective, and Thoth Open Metadata. Each will highlight the work they are doing to underpin a more sustainable future for Open Access books, while also drawing out the benefits of the community-led approaches they are developing.

This free event is open to all but booking is essential:  https://tinyurl.com/yc6uwwyj




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Date tagged:

10/21/2024, 08:52

Date published:

10/21/2024, 04:52