a Research Officer (f/m/d), 50% E13 TVöD for the DFG-funded consortium for Diamond Open Access SeDOA. | Max Weber Stiftung
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2025-02-17
The MWS has been active in the field of open and digital publishing for almost twenty years. With perspectivia.net, it operates a publication platform in accordance with the principles of Diamond Open Access, which the foundation also supports at European level through its involvement in the OPERAS research infrastructure. The MWS is participating in establishing a DFG-funded national service centre for Diamond Open Access as part of the new SeDOA consortium. The DFG has initially approved a three-year term (2025-2028); a second project phase is planned.
The SeDOA consortium aims to establish Diamond Open Access as a non-fee model, with a particular focus on scientific journals. This includes technical and organisational components, the use of which is to be sustainably embedded in both, the European research area and corresponding user/infrastructure communities at national level.
Within the consortium, the MWS organises the exchange of information and knowledge in cooperation with other partners. Therefore, the MWS is looking for a person who can act independently within the network, both in the German, but mostly in the European Research Area and the international research community. The person will contribute to the further development and dissemination of Diamond Open Access with in-novative ideas within multidisciplinary team.
- You will be responsible for the "Networking Services" work package in the SeDOA consortium and will be involved in other working groups on related topics,
- You design the consortium's communication strategy with the participation of the partners and ensure the coordinated preparation of all relevant information,
- Together with partners, you will design and organise internal and external events for training and communicating the project results,
- You will ensure that the results of SeDOA are disseminated within the scientific communities in Germany, Europe and beyond. This includes in particular the connection of SeDOA has to the European Diamond Capacity Hub by serving as a Diamond Capacity Centre.
- You support the project's international Advisory Board,
- You document the work in your work package,
- You support the reporting system for SeDOA, which also includes the regular evaluation of the activities of the committees.
You cooperate intensively with the project partners in your own consortium, but also communicate the work of SeDOA to the German scientific communities. Above all, however, you will ensure a bi-directional exchange of information between SeDOA as the Diamond Capacity Centre at German level and the European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH), which is active at European level. This also includes occasional travelling in Germany and the countries of the European Research Area. Accordingly, you will have a great openness for this form of scientific organisational work and actively participate in shaping how the project unfolds. This includes the ability to co-operate both with representatives of IT infrastructures (information sciences and libraries) and across disciplines.