Job Opening: Project Officer for the project HIRMEOS (Göttingen State and University Library, Deadline 25 Sep 2016)

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2016-09-06


"Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) is active in several national and international projects on the development of infrastructures, services for electronic publishing, and implementation of Open Access and Open Science. 

In this context, the European project “HIRMEOS – High Integration of Research Monograph in the European Open Science Infrastructure” is seeking a Project Manager to manage the library’s contributions to the HIRMEOS project."


"The EU-funded HIRMEOS project brings together five publishing platforms for open access monographs in the Social Sciences and the Humanities and will enhance their technical capacities and services. One of these platforms is the well-established Göttingen University Press offering publishing services to Göttingen university research communities. 

Responsibilities are as follows:

  • lead the project’s central work package “Community Outreach and Dissemination” and coordinate all partners’ contribution referring to community feedback and service evaluation
  • concept and implementation of processes and infrastructures for internal and external communication, public relation and marketing for the project
  • monitor and coordinate technical developments for the Göttingen University Press platform, cooperate with the press‘ editorial board and other university bodies.
  • organisation of project meetings, workshops and conferences
  • building the key stakeholder network via close cooperation with several target groups (societies, academies, publishers, vendors and service-provider, scholarly infrastructures etc.)
  • project reporting and supporting project administration"


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.germany

Date tagged:

09/06/2016, 09:23

Date published:

09/06/2016, 05:23