Open Science discussion at Utrecht University | Universiteit Utrecht | Draft Open Science Programme 2018-2020
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2017-12-18
An Open Science Programme for Utrecht University
Utrecht University aims to be at the forefront of open science. Therefore the Executive Board has launched the Utrecht University Open Science Programme. A programme that aims to stimulate and facilitate researchers to put open science into practice.
The Open Science Programme is directed by an Open Science Platform which includes members of the entire UU research community. Frank Miedema is chair of this platform. Anja Smit has been appointed as Secretary. Their initial focus will be on further structuring the programme and setting the course of the programme heading for 2021. All faculty deans view open science as a major theme and support the plan.
Five key topics
The scope of a programme on open science could potentially be very broad. To add focus the UU Open Science Programme is centered around the following five topics:
- Open access
- FAIR & open data
- Open software
- Outreach and public engagement
- Rewards and incentives
The Open Science Programme is not a top-down exercise. It should be made clear what is expected of researchers as a group (not as individuals) and leave room for each group to determine its own pacing and priorities. It is important to stay away of thinking in terms of organizational lines, faculties for instance. Instead the focus is on how research is organized in strategic themes, interdisciplinary research projects, knowledge hubs etc.
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