Open Knowledge International: Chief Executive Officer (Remote working, Full-time, London, UK)

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2018-08-18


The Position

The space around us is changing; and Open Knowledge International needs a CEO who can help refine our identity and mission in this changing context. We are looking for someone who is both entrepreneurial and  creative, who can articulate what open means in today's world, turning our mission into reality. You will be able to harness our activist ethos to deliver the services and products while ensuring the sustainability of the organisation and the mission.

As the leader of our organisation, you will be in charge of directing our activities, shaping our fundraising and business development efforts and nurturing our relationships with our funders, partners and communities.  You will need to actively pursue new opportunities and collaborations for open knowledge. A key part of your role will be translating our open vision and  philosophy into concrete terms for and with our clients and partners. You will be central to helping our funders, partners and clients understand what open means for them and what they can do to make that a reality.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.nonprofit

Date tagged:

08/18/2018, 18:47

Date published:

08/18/2018, 14:47