Open Access Toolkit: DARIAH’s practical recommendations to promote Open Access within the arts and humanities – DARIAH Open
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-03-31
Where can I find Open Access journals in my field? When and how can I share my article as a preprint? Does publishing Open Access necessarily involve paying processing charges? These are just some of the questions we are asking from ourselves when exploring the options for open dissemination of our research. In this post, which is the second part of our Open Access in the humanities blog series, we bring together recommendations, tools, platforms and other resources that you may find helpful in answering these questions. All of them are available for everyone, regardless of geographical or disciplinary background, and can be directly and easily included in the publishing workflows of our communities. We address the following areas:
- Your options to publish Open Access
- Self-archiving know-how
- Licensing
- How to make sure that all your research outputs are citable and findable
- Open Access with no author-fees
Being open is your right and choice as a researcher, and the benefits of openness will accrue to you as well to your discipline and the wider audiences for your research. By following a few simple steps, you can fully contribute to this approach to knowledge sharing.