Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship - Knowledge Exchange
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-04-01
Following the report Knowledge Exchange Approach to Open Scholarship and in line with the recommendations resulting from the workshop Moving from Ambition to Reality, two interconnected activities have been dedicated to the Economy of Open Scholarship, one conceptual, one practical.
The practical activity - Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship: A Collection of Interviews - have collected examples which illustrate how pioneering initiatives set up and operate new or alternative business models in the area of Open Scholarship.
Interviews with a selection of initiatives have been conducted to build this collection to illustrate the successes and challenges within the economy of Open Scholarship. The purpose of this practical investigation is to inform and inspire a transition to Open Scholarship. Through a collection of interviews, including highlights and currents trends, the collection displays how pioneers and early adopters of openness pave the way for unhindered access to research outputs in relation to research community needs and practices.
The first three interviews of this series are now available. Knowledge Exchange plans to publish the full collection of interviews in summer 2019.