EOSC-hub launches Early Adopter Programme | EOSC Hub
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-04-17
The EOSC-hub project is launching an Early Adopter Programme for research communities interested in exploring the latest state-of-art technologies and services offered by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The Early Adopter Programme will allow research communities to scale up the in-house infrastructure and to access a richer set of resources. EOSC-hub will provide expertise and resources to enable active usage of the EOSC and foster a culture of co-operation between researchers and EOSC providers.
The programme offers a wide range of services (all available through the EOSC Marketplace) for:
- Data discovery and reuse
- Data processing and analysis
- Data management, curation and preservation
- Access, deposition and sharing, federated authentication and authorization