Academic Associate: Open Science Alliance Officer (Deadline: May 15, 2019) | The Neuro - McGill University

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-04-27


The Academic Associate will lead all activities related to the creation of a nation-wide coalition of Open science entities in neuroscience: plan and oversee the development and implementation of incentivization mechanisms, develop outreach strategies to potential early-adopters of Open Science in Canada in the field of neuroscience and beyond, build robust collaborations with these various partners across the country by ensuring their compliance to TOSI Guiding Principles, act as liaison person across Canada and beyond.

Specific duties include:

  • Set up Business Intelligence on major neuroscience institutes across the country and build a roadmap/strategy to engage them
  • Pursue discussions with initial partners and close collaborators in the neuroscience field in Canada, and translate these into concrete collaboration agreements
  • Participate in the development of the right narrative to incentivize these potential early-adopters of Open Science and Neuro’s guiding principles
  • Support potential early-adopter entities in the implementation of OS policies by spending time locally to understand the institutional culture, share best practices and lessons learned from The Neuro.
  • Develop tools and strategies to share lessons learnt and best practices from The Neuro’s experiment for the implementation of OS practice
  • Finalize the implementation of the National Open Science Incentive Fund and its Allocation Committee
  • Develop and implement clear and comprehensive guidelines on compliance to TOSI Guiding Principles
  • Generate, maintain and implement a collaborative framework and policy/procedure documents based on the principles of Open Science, including MOUs and various contracts
  • Plan and coordinate the organization of workshops and events contributing to raising awareness on Open Science practice at The Neuro and engaging more partners to adopt OS practices
  • Plan and coordinate one annual meeting gathering all existing and potential TOSI partners in Canada
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy to engage international partners in neuroscience
  • Contribute or lead publication of articles on the implementation of OS practices and any other OS-related subjects
  • Ensure thorough knowledge transfer activities through the preparation of various tools, methodologies, processes etc.


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04/27/2019, 18:25

Date published:

04/27/2019, 14:25