Pressbooks Guide – Simple Book Publishing

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-08-19


A reference for open textbook authors using Pressbooks Author: Lauri M. Aesoph Book Description: This Pressbooks Guide does not replicate information provided by the Pressbooks Userguide published by Instead, in parts and chapters laid out to mimic the steps an author might take to create or modify an open textbook in Pressbooks, it redirects readers to pertinent chapters in the Pressbooks Userguide, supplements it with additional information, and includes instructions specific to post-secondary faculty and staff working in British Columbia and the Yukon.


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oa.pressbooks oa.oer oa.canada oa.books oa.pressbooks oa.oer oa.guides oa.canada.bc oa.bccampus

Date tagged:

08/19/2019, 16:09

Date published:

08/19/2019, 12:09