Open Up: A Survey on Open and Non-anonymized Peer Reviewing[v2] | Preprints

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-08-24



We present a discussion and analysis regarding the benefits and limitations of open and non-anonymized peer review based on literature results and responses to a survey on the reviewing process of alt.chi, a more or less open-review track within the CHI conference, the predominant conference in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). This track currently is the only implementation of an open-peer-review process in the field of HCI while, with the recent increase in interest in open science practices, open review is now being considered and used in other fields. We collected 30 responses from alt.chi authors and reviewers and found that, while the benefits are quite clear and the system is generally well liked by alt.chi participants, they are reluctant to see it used in other venues. This concurs with a number of recent studies that suggest a divergence between support for a more open review process and its practical implementation. The data and scripts are available on, and the figures and follow-up work on


Besançon, L.; Rönnberg, N.; Löwgren, J.; Tennant, J.; Cooper, M. Open Up: A Survey on Open and Non-anonymized Peer Reviewing. Preprints 2019, 2019050098 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201905.0098.v2).


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08/24/2019, 06:10

Date published:

08/24/2019, 02:10