Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals - what we know so far and where we think we're heading

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-10-25


Plan S compliance for Open Access Journals - what we know so far and where we think we're heading by Dominic Mitchell (DOAJ), Friday, Oct 25, 2019, 11:00 CEST

In September 2018 when cOAlition S put out their Plan S for making Open Access an immediate reality, there was concern about how journals would become compliant in the short time available and what exactly was required to do that. The guidance mentioned that being indexed in DOAJ is necessary but that is only one criteria of many. There are other, new criteria which are additional to the DOAJ ones. DOAJ, among others, is mentioned as a key player in the certification process so the DOAJ Team have looked very carefully at what is being asked. One of the problems is that the exact data to be captured for those requirements have not yet been set and work by cOAlition S to do that is only slated to start imminently. In this presentation, I will explain what those extra Plan S criteria might be and how we think that they might be measured and captured. I will explain how we think the certification process, at least at DOAJ, might go and what the difference is between DOAJ certification and Plan S certification. 


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Date tagged:

10/25/2019, 04:46

Date published:

10/25/2019, 00:46