Celebrating Open Access Week: Researchers using our Public Data File | ORCID

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-10-25


Submitted by Gabriela Mejias on Thu, 2019-10-24 00:00

Openness is a key ORCID value, and to follow that principle and celebrate Open Access Week, each year we release our annual public data file. The 2019 file, which is now available, contains a snapshot of all ORCID record data that researchers had marked public in the ORCID Registry at the time that the file was created on October 1, 2019. Our public data file is published under a CC0 waiver and is free for everyone to use — at the time of writing, last year’s file had been viewed over 5,000 times and downloaded more than 3,200 times.

As 2019 is ORCID’s year of the researcher, this time we are happy to share with you two examples of researchers who are using our public data file data for their research.




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Date tagged:

10/25/2019, 14:43

Date published:

10/25/2019, 10:43