LIBER 2019 Panel Session: Open Science Meets Open Education | YouTube
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-11-04
Over the past years more and more institutions have started working on an ‘Open’ agenda. When talking about Open Science, subcategories have been formed like Open Access, Open Data and Open Education. The library community has been working tirelessly on Open Access and Open Science advocacy and policy over the last years. Open Access has become a very practical challenge since much of the work is now in its implementation having large implications for academic outreach. In parallel, Open Education in Europe is gaining momentum as well, but it seems as though it does not share the same ‘playing field’ as Open Access and Open or FAIR Data, where Open Science may have clear lessons to teach Open Education to spur it on faster. Institutions generally see a distinct separation between education and research and this is often reflected in the way Open Access and Data on the one hand and Open Education is handled on an institutional and policy level. The main question of this panel is whether these two ‘playing fields’ should be treated separately even becoming part of one ‘Open’ programme.
A case can be made for the theoretical links between Open Access/Data and Open Education. If we treat both the teaching of classes and the publishing of research(data) as academic output then there is a lot of common ground, only a difference in format. This theoretical link offers some insights on how the different ‘Open’ categories are related to each other, but does not necessarily reflect a need to connect them in a practical sense. We believe that there is more to be explored as to how to make meaningful practical links between Open Access, Open Science and Open Education to help stimulate further development in particular areas or to help solve common challenges more rapidly. The panel discussion will delve into whether Open Science and Open Education can meet, where the advantages of links may lie and what the disadvantages of linking the two can be in practice. The panel will consist of experts on Open Access/Data, Open Education and facilitators of ‘Open’ practices in general. The panel will furthermore look beyond the Open Science and Open Education links, and will focus on how far they should be utilised formally.
The panelists will briefly present their work followed by a discussion. Participation from the audience is welcomed and asked for.
- Jeroen Sondervan, Utrecht University Library (moderation)
- Ignasi Labastida, CRAI (Library) of the University of Barcelona
- Kirsty Lingstadt, University of Edinburgh
- Vanessa Proudman, SPARC Europe
- Daan van Loon, Utrecht University Library