Bibsam Consortium – What is it | Kungliga biblioteket – Sveriges nationalbibliotek –

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2019-12-22


Since 1996 the National Library of Sweden negotiates license agreements for electronic information resources on behalf of Swedish universities, university colleges, governmental agencies and research institutes.

85 organisations participate in at least one of the agreements.

Since the Bibsam Consortium is not a legal body, the parties of an agreement are each individual organisation ("the Licensee"), and the vendor ("the Licensor"). A power of attorney from participating organisations allows the National Librarian to sign the agreements.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.europe oa.sweden oa.bibsam oa.licensing oa.funders oa.libre

Date tagged:

12/22/2019, 17:16

Date published:

12/22/2019, 12:16