Data Manager, Harvard University | HERC Jobs
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-06-04
This is a one-year term position from date of hire, with possibility of extension based on department needs and available funding.
In this role you will support a number of grant-funded research programs that require the organization and public release of primary data and other research products. These include the NCI Pan-Cancer Atlas, the NCI Omic and Multidimensional Spatial Atlas, the NCI Center for Cancer Systems Pharmacology, the DARPA STOP-PAIN program, and the Termeer Program in Systems Pharmacology. You may also be asked to assist with data coordination and management for the Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Science and the Greater Boston Pandemic Fabrication Team which is organizing information to support the regional response to the coronavirus pandemic. You will report to the HiTS Executive Director, and work closely with the Scientific Program Management team. LSP is a startup activity and we are dependent on individual initiatives by lab members. Defining your duties will be a collaborative exercise within the lab in which you will play an important role. However, your initial duties are expected to include the following:
- Contributing to manuscripts and scientific reports and deliver periodic group meetings.
- Work with the Clinical Research Coordinator to organize anonomized patient data and associate it to samples used in multiple experiments. Data should be associated with primary data files, including image files.
- Organize and curate image data across multiple programs in collaboration with a team of staff scientists.
- Organize and integrate data fields and metadata for cyclic immunofluorescence experiments across a reagent data system and an experimental tracking system. Propose software updates to improve usability and data integrity.
- Work with LSP platforms to establish and implement best practices for organization and annotation of data for both internal use and eventual release on public repositories (e.g. Synapse, GEO, Pride)
- Enable data deposition in federal repositories for DARPA STOP-PAIN
- Development of standards for data stored in Synapse by data type, including metadata assignment, experimental protocols, notes and versioning thereof.
- Organize and disseminate data collected by PAN-FAB to support the regional response to the coronavirus pandemic.
- Help develop a standard LSP data management plan appropriate for inclusion in grant proposals and tailor as needed for individual proposals.
- Survey published minimal information standards as well as the requirements of funding agencies, journals, and public data repositories to identify suitable metadata standards for the various types of data produced by the LSP.
- Keep abreast of new developments in funding agency requirements, tools for data management, and community standards and disseminate information to LSP community as needed.
- Represent (the LSP/HiTS) at relevant special events (e.g. Open Access Week) and regular meetings (e.g. the HMS Data Management Working Group) as needed.
- Collaborate with the HiTS admin and finance teams to associate scientific descriptors and documentation of scientific expertise to individual lab member profiles in a personnel data system.
- Work with authors to organize, annotate, and release data as required for manuscript submission/publication.
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks