New journal: Recht und Zugang Zugang zum kulturellen Erbe und Wissenschaftskommunikation (Rights and access - Access to cultural heritage and scientific communication) | Nomos eLibrary

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-06-11


Text provided in German, machine-translated via Deepl

New journal: Recht und Zugang Zugang zum kulturellen Erbe und Wissenschaftskommunikation (Rights and access - Access to cultural heritage and scientific communication)

Editors: Prof. Dr. Katharina de la Durantaye, LL.M. (Yale); Prof. Dr. Ellen Euler, LL.M.; Alexandra Kemmerer, LL.M. Eur.; Dr. Paul Klimpel; Andreas Nestl; Stephanie Niederalt; Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue; Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider; Prof. Dr. Eric Steinhauer

ISSN print: 2699-1284 // Online ISSN: 2699-1284 // doi: 10.5771/2699-1284 Table of contents of the first edition (1/2020): Access in the archive. Opportunities and limits for an open archive in the digital age - Library law as the right of access and the challenges of digitisation - Law and the historical image - Law and access - The perspective of museums - Open Access in science and the realities of law - Copyright issues of access for memory institutions and the digital humanities - Public freedom as a principle? - Scope and need for implementation of Art. 14 of the DSM Directive - DFG Expert Workshop: Strategies for making copyright-protected text collections usable for research by third parties.

German original text:

Recht und Zugang Zugang zum kulturellen Erbe und Wissenschaftskommunikation Prof. Dr. Katharina de la Durantaye, LL.M. (Yale) Prof. Dr. Ellen Euler, LL.M. Alexandra Kemmerer, LL.M. Eur. Dr. Paul Klimpel Andreas Nestl Stephanie Niederalt Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider Prof. Dr. Eric Steinhauer (Hrsg.)


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Date tagged:

06/11/2020, 15:45

Date published:

06/11/2020, 11:45