Program for Open Scholarship and Education (POSE) | Open UBC
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-06-23
The Program for Open Scholarship and Education (POSE) is a new one-year flexible and blended program jointly presented by the UBC Open Working Group, the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology and UBC Library. The program will help you develop foundational knowledge of Open Scholarship, Open Education and Open Research. By completing this program you will gain the tools and strategies to become proficient in supporting and advocating for open practices. The program is intended for faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students with an interest in open research, open access, open data and open education. We also invite non-UBC faculty, staff, and students at the post-secondary level to join the conversation. Depending on the program pathway that you select, you can learn about:
- Open Education
- Open Access
- Open Research
Program Learning Objectives
General program outcomes for the POSE:
- Develop an understanding of open scholarship in higher education and the intersections of each area: open access, education, data, and research
- Develop strategies to address potential risks and challenges when planning to engage in open practices
- Be prepared to support and develop open education, open access or open research projects
- Create an open project with the support of UBC experts and receive feedback from peers