Open Source in Libraries - Blossoming data instead of dusty books (Open Source in Bibliotheken - Blühende Daten statt staubiger Bücher) | netzpolitik
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-06-24
Libraries have always stood for values such as cooperation and access to knowledge. As a result, they are pushing open source and open data. Now a new website of Leipzig University Library is online, which makes the open offers more visible.
Until now, you didn't know where to start, says Ronny Gey. But now Leipzig University Library has introduced a new platform, the UBLab, which will bundle all digital projects. The library has been providing freely accessible data and developing free software for many years. Until now, this was hardly visible, because the activities were spread over different platforms, from the website to the university's own Gitlab server to the code platform GitHub. Gey, a computer scientist, is trained as a volunteer in the library, he is responsible for the UBLab. Before that he worked as a research assistant in several cross-sectional projects. During this time he came across the topic of open source and open research data. Less than two years ago, he applied for a job advertisement at Leipzig University Library on exactly this topic. Translated with (free version)
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