The state of altmetrics: a tenth anniversary celebration

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-07


In honor of the tenth anniversary of the Altmetrics Manifesto, Altmetric has published The state of altmetrics, which explores a decade of innovation and growth in the field.

Contributions from leading thinkers including Euan Adie, Lutz Bornmann, Zohreh Zahedi, and authors of the original Altmetrics Manifesto explore topics including:

  • Ethical uses of altmetrics

  • Using machine learning to improve altmetrics

  • Altmetrics as "sensors" to detect the spread of disease

  • What makes researchers more likely to use altmetrics

  • Predictions for the future of altmetrics


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.reports oa.bibliometrics oa.metrics oa.altmetric

Date tagged:

10/07/2020, 05:55

Date published:

10/07/2020, 01:55