COPIM releases free code for Open Access project sign up system | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2021-01-29


The Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs project (COPIM) has today released the code originally written for their Opening the Future initiative, which collects and processes library signups. This release makes the software freely available for any publisher to adapt and use themselves - it is a generic signup system for open-access projects that have consortial membership models.

Available on Github at, features of the system include order tracking, billing management, notification of new sign ups, and access control for backlist packages of books. The software is already in use on the Opening the Future website, where a pilot project with CEU Press is live and taking memberships - the Press will use membership fees to freely publish new open access (OA) content. More information on that initiative and its ethos can be found on the project’s Resources page.

Forthcoming toolkit

This code will be one component of a practical ‘toolkit’ that COPIM WP3 will produce on how presses might transition to sustainably publishing OA monographs. Other elements of the toolkit will include a report reviewing revenue models in OA publishing, financial modelling spreadsheets, communication and advocacy materials, and more.



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Date tagged:

01/29/2021, 05:38

Date published:

01/29/2021, 00:38