How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2022-07-19


This handbook aims to support higher education institutions with the integration of FAIR-related content in their curricula and teaching. It was written and edited by a group of about 40 collaborators in a series of six book sprint events that took place between 1 and 10 June 2021. The document provides practical material, such as competence profiles, learning outcomes and lesson plans, and supporting information. It incorporates community feedback received during the public consultation which ran from 27 July to 12 September 2021.


This handbook underwent a community review from 26 July to 12 September 2021. We are grateful to all contributors for their valuable, much appreciated feedback.

We would like to extend special thanks for their extensive and thorough review and contribution to: Romain David, Hervé L’Hours, Karsten Peters, Esther Plomp, Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Francesco Varrato, Niklas Zimmer

Furthermore, we would like to thank: Esther Asef, Bill Ayres, Noemi BC, Fay Campbell, Leyla Jael Castro, Julien Colomb, Philipp Conzett, Antica Culina, Stefanie De Bodt, Vilém Děd, Julian Dederke, Mary Donaldson, Christina Elsenga, Jeanine Finn, Vinciane Gaillard, Marjan Grootveld, W H, Simon Kerridge, Ilja Kocken, Ellen Leenarts, Allyson Lister, Lachlan MacLeod, Izaskun Mallona, Paula Martinez Lavanchy, Janice Masud-Paul, Joke Meeus, Gene Melzack, Megan O’Donnell, Lisanna Paladin, Limor Peer, Robin Rice, Jürgen Rohrwild, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Gabriele Schwiertz, Yasmeen Shorish, Shelley Stall, Alexander Steckel, Liz Stokes, Annette Strauch, Ádám Száldobágyi, Rick Thompson, Christophe Trefois, Enrique Wulff, as well as everyone who contributed anonymously.


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Date tagged:

07/19/2022, 12:03

Date published:

07/19/2022, 08:03