Scottish Universities Press

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2022-10-03


SCURL member libraries are collaborating in an exciting new venture to establish a fully open access and not-for-profit publishing press that is owned and managed by the participating HEIs.

The press aims to provide a clear and cost-effective route for researchers to make their work freely available to a global audience, with the ambition to extend the impact of research across the whole of society.

We plan to open for proposals later in 2022. Please subscribe to our newsletter or check back soon.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.books oa.publishers oa.up oa.scotland

Date tagged:

10/03/2022, 09:06

Date published:

10/03/2022, 05:06