Building Effective Outreach Strategies for Open Access Book Initiatives: Lessons Learned from the Open Book Collective | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2023-05-31
Deville, J., Fathallah, J., & Onalee Snyder, L. (2023). Building Effective Outreach Strategies for Open Access Book Initiatives: Lessons Learned from the Open Book Collective . Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM).
As Open Access (OA) book publishers, and especially Diamond Open Access publishers, increasingly turn towards membership programs to support their work, effective outreach has become ever more important. For such publishers and for us at the Open Book Collective (OBC) sustainability depends on successfully convincing supporters that our work, and in our case that of the publishers and infrastructure providers that are our members, is relevant to the libraries and other organizations that we are asking for ongoing financial support. In many cases, this also means speaking not just about individual publications, publishers, or publishing service providers, but issues connected to OA publishing more widely. For that reason, a key feature of our outreach has been stimulating conversation and engagement around the OBC, the platform, and the future of OA books.
In this blog post, we provide an account of how we have responded to the challenge of developing an effective outreach strategy, with the aim of sharing and archiving our experiences so that others may benefit from what we have learned, especially initiatives looking to engage with libraries and other institutional stakeholders. We document the development of the OBC's outreach strategy and highlight the importance of effective outreach efforts in promoting wider access to scholarship.
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