Another editorial team revolts against Wiley journal policies: Journal of Economic Surveys | Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-02-09


The statement from the editors is here:  Download Public statement Resignations from the Editorial Board of the Journal of Economic Surveys (final).  From the statement:

The...documentation submitted to our analysis [by Wiley] appeared to emphasize quantity over quality of the papers submitted and strongly favoured cross pollination among the various Wiley publications also in relation to papers that we would have not considered favourably for the Journal of Economic Surveys increasing – in our perception – risks of proliferation of poor-quality science.

For earlier coverage, see this from the editor of P&PA, and this comment from David Velleman on an earlier thread:

The initial hope behind the academic OA movement — at least at Philosophers' Imprint, which was the first OA journal in Philosophy -- was that universities would cut commercial publishers out of the knowledge-dissemination business entirely, by redirecting the funds traditionally spent on paper-and-ink journals (including not only subscriptions but selection, binding, storage, etc.) to in-house OA publishing operations. We were encouraged in this hope by our librarian colleagues at the University of Michigan, who were on the leading edge of digital librarianship at the time.[...]



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Date tagged:

02/09/2024, 03:18

Date published:

02/08/2024, 22:18