A Bibliographic Scan of Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure | Educopia Institute

MikeRoy's bookmarks 2020-05-19


"This Bibliographic Scan by David W. Lewis provides an extensive literature review and overview of today’s digital scholarly communications ecosystem, including information about 206 tools, services, and systems that are instrumental to the publishing and distribution of the scholarly record. The Bibliographic Scan includes 67 commercial and 139 non-profit scholarly communication organizations, programs, and projects that support researchers, repositories, publishing, discovery, preservation, and assessment. 

The review includes three sections: 1) Scholarly citations of works that discuss various functional areas of digital scholarly communication ecosystem (e.g., Repositories, Research Data, Discovery, Evaluation and Assessment, and Preservation); 2) Charts that record the major players active in each functional area;  and 3) Descriptions of each organization/program/project included in the Bibliographic Scan.  

This work has been produced as part of the “Mapping the Scholarly Communication Infrastructure” project (Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Middlebury College, 2018-20)."



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Date tagged:

05/19/2020, 12:00

Date published:

05/19/2020, 08:49