The Fourth Industrial Revolution Built On Blockchain And Advanced With AI

MeganPrice's bookmarks 2018-12-03


"The fourth industrial revolution will be the first major revolution that has gone from a technology-focused state to another, more advanced one. For that reason, it is not surprising that it could well be predicated on technologies that are currently profoundly misunderstood, and often seen as too advanced.

Blockchain and AI have massive potential, but their actual effect will only be seen a long way down the line, and they will also only be effective when tied together as they both boost each other up, and expand on their different capabilities."


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Blockchain and Decentralization for Library and Information Science ยป MeganPrice's bookmarks


blockchain crypto efficiency privacy security ai bigdata week6 intermediate non-academicarticle

Date tagged:

12/03/2018, 16:07

Date published:

12/03/2018, 11:07