OPERAS’ CoARA Action Plan published
OPERAS 2024-12-05

We are pleased to announce that OPERAS has published its own CoARA Action Plan to build a coherent approach to research assessment reform and to further align our practices with the commitments of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA).
What you’ll discover in the Action Plan is how OPERAS is already involved in some activities that specifically address the issue of responsible research assessment (RRA), and at the same time in the Action Plan we explore other open science projects and activities and how these might be viewed through the lens of research assessment reform. Specifically in relation to RRA, we are:
- Participating in GraspOS, a Horizon Europe project,
- Participating in CoARA Working Groups
- Signed the Barcelona Declaration as a supporter
The OPERAS CoARA Action Plan highlights the work our team is doing for different Open Science projects. It highlights the common ground between research assessment and open science. By promoting Open Science practices, the conditions for a better inclusion of diverse research activities will become more pronounced, thus enabling a reform of research assessment. Similarly, work is needed to ensure that criteria are defined in incentive and reward structures that take account of open science practices.
If you look at the Action Plan itself, you’ll see an indicative table of actions aimed at promoting the values and principles of responsible research assessment, along with how they align with the CoARA Commitments. Finally, OPERAS will establish a Task Force within the OPERAS Coordination Team and will encourage participation from the Scientific Advisory Committee as well as other members of our network, to oversee annual plans aimed at maintaining progress, strengthening collaboration with partners and the broader community, and advancing discussions on research assessment reform. We hope this document will serve as a platform to support the SSH community in driving these reforms forward.
For further information, please contact: Fotis Mystakopoulos, Project Policy Officer, fotis.mystakopoulos@operas-eu.org