OPERAS welcomes PKP as a new member
OPERAS 2019-08-20

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) has joined OPERAS as an international partner. The OPERAS Core Group has accepted its application to join OPERAS unanimously.
Founded in 1998, the PKP is a research and open source software development initiative that seeks to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. Its Open Journal Systems (OJS) software is used by over 10,000 journals around the world to increase the efficiency of their production and reduce the cost of publication. Other PKP applications include Open Monograph Press (OMP) for books, Open Conference Systems (OCS) for conferences, and current work on an open source preprint server system. Recent research explores collaborative funding models for open access and investigations into copyright history and reform.
We at the Public Knowledge Project are delighted to able to join OPERAS in its commendable efforts to extend the scholarly infrastructure of open access. PKP looks forward to to participating in OPERAS’ design study with its wonderful array of active partners, leading to the development of sustainable, interoperable, open source systems for advancing the quality and reach of research and scholarship.
John Willinsky, Director, Public Knowledge Project and Khosla Family Professor, Stanford University