OPERAS Created Coordination Team

OPERAS 2019-11-08

Coordination Team

OPERAS is led by a 9 member core group and currently has 40 members. The infrastructure will continue to grow in the coming months and therefore OPERAS is working to further establish itself under a legal framework as an International Non-Profit Organization (AISBL), incorporated in Brussels. As a legal entity, OPERAS’ need for coordination will once again grow, which is why the infrastructure has formalized its Coordination Team.

The Coordination Team acts as a service provider in charge of the daily management of the infrastructure, especially for the community and the OPERAS decision-making body, the Core Group. It prepares the different committees for the AISBL and it will in particular work on setting up the future assemblies. The Coordination Team is currently constituted of

  • the two Coordinators
  • the Project Manager for OPERAS-P
  • the Project Manager for TRIPLE
  • the Technical Coordinator
  • the Citizen Science Officer
  • the FAIR Data Officer
  • the Communication Officer(s)

You can find more information on the members of the Coordination Team below and at our website. Please contact us (communication[at]operas-eu.org) for more information.



Coordination Team

Coordinator (Community)

Pierre Mounier

Pierre Mounier (pierre.mounier[at]openedition.org)

Pierre supports cooperation between the OPERAS partners and establishes the strategic roadmap of the infrastructure. He is trained in classical studies and social anthropology. He is working at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and is deputy director of OpenEdition, the French national infrastructure dedicated to open scholarly communication in the SSH. He regularly publishes on digital humanities and open science topics, and more largely the social and political impact of ICT.

Coordinator (Partnerships)

Suzanne Dumouchel (Suzanne.dumouchel[at]huma-num.fr)

Suzanne is responsible for partnerships and strategy. She holds a PhD in French Literature. She is member of the DARIAH ERIC Coordination Office and Representative of DARIAH at the ERIC Forum. As a Research Engineer at Huma-Num, CNRS, she is the scientific coordinator of TRIPLE. Suzanne is deeply involved in the Open Science movement, especially in the SSH perspective.

Technical Coordinator

Yoann Moranville

Yoann Moranville (yoann.moranville[at]dariah.eu)

Yoann ensures the technical coordination of OPERAS. He is a developer who worked on various projects for libraries, archives and more recently on digital humanities. He is also Technical Officer for the DARIAH ERIC.

Citizen Science Officer

Alessia Smianiotto

Alessia Smaniotto (alessia.smaniotto[at]openedition.org)

Alessia develops citizen science projects and services for the OPERAS community. She is trained in philosophy, journalism and sociology in Italy and France and she is a PhD candidate in Philosophy and Social Sciences at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Her doctoral research focuses on journalism as a form of knowledge. Her work for OpenEdition focuses on scientific communication and collaboration between research in the SSH. She has coordinated the OpenEdition Italia project and ran training courses on scientific blogging and on the challenges of electronic publishing. She also coordinates PLACES, a project, granted by the French Ministry of Culture, focused on the collaboration between researchers and journalists. Before joining OpenEdition, Alessia worked as a journalist.

FAIR Data Officer

Arnaud Gingold

Arnaud Gingold (arnaud.gingold[at]openedition.org)

Arnaud ensures data consistency and the application of the FAIR principles throughout OPERAS. With a dual background in linguistics and digital resources management, he started working in university ibraries and was a digital curator for a CNRS Open Archive. He joined OPERAS in 2016 as a Technical Coordinator for the related HIRMEOS project and is based at OpenEdition in Marseille, France. Arnaud is also project manager for CO-OPERAS.

Communication Officer

Judith Schulte

Judith Schulte (schulte[at]maxweberstiftung.de)

Judith, together with Elisabeth, is in charge of the communication for OPERAS and TRIPLE. She has a background in art history, German language and media computer science and holds a PhD in art history on a photojournalism topic with a scholarship of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School of the Humanities Cologne. Since 2016, she is working in the digital editing office perspectivia of the Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad. Before she worked for the computing team at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.

Communication Officer

Elisabeth Ernst (ernst[at]maxweberstiftung.de)

Elisabeth, together with Judith, is in charge of the communication for OPERAS and TRIPLE. She is trained in American studies and international economics. Before joining the Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad in 2017 for the related OPERAS projects OPERAS-D and HIRMEOS, she has worked for infrastructure and ICT projects at the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Project Manager

Paulin Ribbe (paulin.ribbe[at]openedition.org)

Paulin ensures coordination with OPERAS partners on different projects, including consistency between the different projects planned in OPERAS. He holds a master degree in digital publishing and a bachelor degree in political science. He joined OPERAS at OpenEdition, based in Paris, France, for the HIRMEOS project and now works for the related project OPERAS-P.

Project Manager

Emilie Blotière (emilie.blotiere[at]huma-num.fr)

Emilie is the TRIPLE Project Manager. Before joining the Huma-Num team, she graduated with a Master in digital humanities applied to historical disciplines and a degree in history. Her research paper focused on the creation of a database and webmapping tool of the Kernos revue under the direction of Vinciane Pirenne Delforge, professor in Collège de France. Before her professional reorientation in digital humanities, she worked in bank and insurance companies as an institutional partnerships manager in the field of Wealth Management.