Question to the OPERAS Community – the OPERAS Governance Study

OPERAS 2020-03-03

OPERASalready unites 40 organizations from 16 different countries and we aim inmaking our network grow. Providing a common governance for such a diverse groupof people and interests is challenging: every organization and every individualcomes with its own experiences and frame of references shaped through theirprofessional background and local context as well as personal preferences. Thiswealth of diversity puts governance at a centerstage when we look at the futureof our community. How can we ensure a sustainable growth that includes everymember, reflects the values and interests of the community as awhole and fosters common decision making? 

OPERAS community

Likealmost all organizations in the 21st century OPERAS is confrontedwith uncertainty on multiple levels – the needs of our stakeholders change andso does the legal context as well as the interests of our audiences. Therefore,any future governance model should support us in dealing with this uncertaintyby providing tools that enable us to react upon and to shape future change.

Inthe context of the setup of the OPERAS Assembly of Commons and to tackle thesechallenges, we not only need to better understand our needs as a networkbut also to analyse these needs in detail, to contextualize them within thewider landscape of governance and to finally come back with suggestions.  

Therefore, we would like to invite you all to participate in our online questionnaire until March 30, 2020, which you can find here: This might take 15 to 20 minutes.

Wesincerely thank you in advance for your input.

Suzanne, Valérie, Lars and Pierre


For further questions please contact:

Valérie Schafer (valerie.schafer[a], Lars Wieneke (lars.wieneke[a] and Pierre Mounier (pierre.mounier[a]

OPERAS-P Funding