Help us find out more about scholarly communication practices

OPERAS 2020-04-07

Survey extended: 13 April 2020

OPERAS runs a survey directed at researchers to find out more about current practices, habits and issues relating to social sciences and humanities (SSH) scholarly communication.

The OPERAS-P project builds and co-ordinates services, practices and technology across main actors in the SSH scholarly communication in Europe. To assure that, OPERAS strive to have a clear idea of the needs of SSH communities in terms of scholarly communication. Such needs will shape the future and avenues of development of its organization and services.

The survey addresses the following dimensions of SSH scholarly communication:

  • publishing and communicating
  • reading, writing and collaborating
  • search, access and discovery.

Please take 10 minutes time to answer our questions. Among all participants of the survey we raffle 65 books. The winner will be able to choose from the book list from AEUP publishers.

Survey extended: Thank you for completing the survey by 13 April 2020 by following one of these links:









Please note that only one response per researcher should be submitted. According to our Privacy statement, your responses will remain completely confidential. Should you encounter any technical difficulties, or should you require further information, please contact us at We very much look forward to your input!