Become part of the network: Join OPERAS

OPERAS 2020-04-08

Become an OPERAS member

OPERAS has updated its rules of participation. OPERAS – open scholarly communication in the European research area for the social sciences and the humanities – is a research infrastructure incorporated as an international non-profit association (AISBL) in Brussels, Belgium. OPERAS membership is open to any organisation in Europe and worldwide, which adopts OPERAS’ principles, abides by its rules of participation and contributes to its actions.

OPERAS’ mission is to coordinate and federate resources in Europe to efficiently address the scholarly communication needs of European researchers in the field of social sciences and humanities.

OPERAS’ vision is to make Open Science a reality for research in the social sciences and the humanities and achieve a scholarly communication system where knowledge produced in the social sciences and the humanities benefits researchers, academics, students and more generally the whole society across Europe and worldwide, without barriers.

As an OPERAS member you can take part in the development and formation of the OPERAS services and decision processes. OPERAS offers coordination, a network and support regarding to all open scholarly communication issues for social sciences and humanities. Organisations which want to become an OPERAS member have to agree on the OPERAS definitions of open science, open access and the FAIR principles. Different kinds of memberships are possible.

Find out more and become a member: