New OPERAS Newsletter: June 2020
OPERAS 2020-06-29
The next OPERAS Newsletter is now available: OPERAS Newsletter June 2020
![Newsletter June 2020](
The newsletter is disseminated regularly every 3 months and keeps you updated about developments in the OPERAS research infrastructure, its ongoing projects (OPERAS-P, TRIPLE), the CO-OPERAS GoFAIR Implementation Network, its international cooperations, and upcoming events.
The newsletter informs you about the following topics:
OPERAS Research Infrastructure
- Welcome to New Members
- Want to Join OPERAS
- OPERAS and partners selected bycOAlition S for study on OA Diamond
- OPERAS is creating a Scientific AdvisoryBoard
- Beyond Covid
OPERAS-P Project
- OAPEN launch Governance Study
- Thank you to the community forparticipating
- Multilingualism Survey
TRIPLE Project (Discovery Service)
- TRIPLE User Research Survey
- Call for Tender
- Vote for a Platform Name
- Behind the Scenes
Save the Date
- 1 July, Talk: “TRIPLE project: building a discovery platform to enhance collaboration” at ICTESSH TRIPLE is presented at the International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities 2020 (ICTeSSH) which takes place from 29 June to 1 July. Everyone is invited to join the online event for free. The talk “TRIPLE project: building a discovery platform to enhance collaboration” is scheduled for 1 July (10:15 AM–10:30 AM). Suzanne Dumouchel will be present as a panelist at “Usage of ICT tools in SSH”, July 1 (01:15 PM–02:15 PM).
- 22–24 July, DH2020, CO-OPERAS will be presented
- 7–8 September 2020, “Knowledge Infrastructures and Digital Governance. History, Challenges, Practices” The workshop has been moved online in the afternoons of September 7th and 8th, 2020. It will not take place on-site!
- 10, 11 September 2020, “Virtual Research Environments and Ancient Manuscripts” Lausanne, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and Swiss National Science Foundation. The conference is confirmed and will take place either entirely online, or online and on the venue, depending on the final decision of the University of Lausanne about the organisation of gatherings in September on campus. Inscription to online attendance: claire.clivaz[at]
- 21 September, Workshop on Multilinugalism at the OASPA Conference 2020 This workshop on multilingualism is an online satellite event of the OASPA Conference 2020. Time (CET): 10-12 am 1-3 pm (lunch break 12 am-1 pm) For more informationcheck Please register here.
- 2–6 November 2020, “Opening up Social Sciences in Europe:from Promises to Reality”, virtually
- The Annual OPERAS Conference, scheduled for 2–6 June 2020 at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) in Brussels, has been postponed due to the current outbreak of COVID-19. The conference will take place 2–6 November 2020 virtually. The conference will address the following key issues: What are the challenges for SSH (social sciences and humanities) researchers in adopting “openness” as a common scholarly communication practice? How can the OPERAS community be of use? How can open science policies and frameworks, such as Plan S and the EOSC, be adopted by SSH communities? How can the impact of SSH research on societies be increased? More details will be published soon on our website,
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![OPERAS-P Funding](