Programme available: “Knowledge infrastructures and digital governance. History, challenges, practices.” 7-8 September 2020
OPERAS 2020-07-28
The conference will take place remotely on Zoom from 7-8 September 2020.
Please register to receive the Zoom link by sending an e-mail to Valérie Schafer ( before 5 September 2020. Speakers will be registered automatically.
This workshop is organized by the OPERAS community and aims at revisiting digital knowledge infrastructures from an organisational and governance perspective, through their history, their stakes and achievements, as well as their challenges and obstacles.
Our workshop will explore how these infrastructures frame themselves, evolve and adapt, how they stimulate participation and implement innovative models of governance as well as how they create a shared culture, common values, how they sustain knowledge commons and may contribute to a new epistemology and scientific environment.
7 September 2020
All time inidcations are in CEST.
13.00-13.30 Welcome
- Presentation of OPERAS by Pierre Mounier (EHESS, OpenEdition, OPERAS)
- Introduction to the workshop by Valérie Schafer and Lars Wieneke (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)
- Presentation of the members of the Program Committee
13.30- 14.30 Keynote
- Keynote by Patrik Svensson, Professor of Humanities and Information Technology at Umeå University and Visiting Professor of Digital Humanities at UCLA
Chair: Janneke Adema (COPIM, Open Humanities Press, ScholarLed, Coventry University)
Followed by a discussion
14.30-15.00 Break
15.00-16.00 Openness
First session chaired by Cameron Neylon (Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University)
- Digital economy for Open Science – Artsiom Rusetski, Ann Shkor, Aliaksei Kulik, Alex Shkor (DEIP)
- The COPIM Project: exploring community governance for open publishing infrastructures – Samuel A. Moore (COPIM Project and Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University, United Kingdom)
Each session is followed by 30 minutes discussion
16.00-16.30 Break
16.30-17.30 Co-shaping
Second session chaired by Suzanne Dumouchel (CNRS, OPERAS, TRIPLE)
- Pathways to Sustainability of Research Infrastructures: The DARIAH-DE Operating Cooperation – Andrea C. Bertino (SUB Göttingen) and / or xx
- Institutional dynamics in Research. Processes of co-creation in Research Infrastructures – Francesca Morselli (DANS-KNAW, DARIAH)
8 September 2020
All time inidcations are in CEST.
13.00-14.00 Inclusion
Third session chaired by Francesca Musiani (Centre Internet et société, CNRS)
- Inalienable Infrastructures: Keeping-while-Giving and the Politics of Vertical Integration – Marcel LaFlamme (Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft)
- Women in Red, Men in Blue/ Battling Gender Bias on Wikipedia – Anna Jørgensen (University of Amsterdam)
14.00-14.30 Break
14.30-15.30 Data
Fourth Session chaired by Lars Wieneke (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)
- An Archival Repository of Archival Repositories: integrating metadata in Archives Portal Europe – Marta Musso (King’s College London)
- Making sense of contextual features in databases for research output – Linda Sīle (Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM), University of Antwerp)
15.30-16.00 Break
16.00-17.00 Community
Fifth Session chaired by Pierre Mounier (EHESS, OpenEdition)
- Networked Governance and Multistakeholder Cooperation – Maxime Bouillard & Gael Van Weyenbergh (MEOH), Valérie Schafer & Lars Wieneke (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)
Followed by a general collective brainstorming
17.00-17.30 Wrap up and concluding remarks
Programme committee
- Janneke Adema (Open Humanities Press, ScholarLed, Coventry University, COPIM)
- Suzanne Dumouchel (OPERAS, Huma-Num, CNRS)
- Pierre Mounier (OPERAS, OpenEdition, EHESS)
- Valérie Schafer (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)
- Lars Wieneke (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)
- Sherri Barnes (UCSB Library, COPIM)
- Cameron Neylon (Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University)