PUBMET2020, 16–18 September 2020

OPERAS 2020-09-09

Invitation PUBMET2020

Check out this year’s programme of the PUBMET2020 international Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science, organized by the University of Zadar, Croatian Association for Scholarly Communication, University of Zagreb and Ruđer Bošković Institute, under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and EducationOpenAIRE AdvanceEuropean Association of Science Editors EASE and SPARC Europe, which will be held on 16–18 September 2020 online. This year’s online conference will be free to attend thanks to the conference sponsors!

Also don’t miss the PUBMET2020 Run!

As a participant at PUBMET2020, you can contribute to the international discussion on Open Science and the most recent trends in scholarly communication! If you did not register for the PUBMET2020 conference, please follow the link to REGISTER.

It would be highly appreciated if you can circulate the message through your network and like / retweet PUBMET: