One week left before the CO-OPERAS and TRIPLE session at GOFAIR symposium
OPERAS 2020-11-27
CO-OPERAS is the OPERAS component addressing the FAIR principles application challenges in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. CO-OPERAS is an Implementation Network within the GOFAIR initiative, and a project funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) until 2022.
GOFAIR and CODATA have organized a symposium for “advancing international and cross-domain convergence around FAIR”, which will start next week. CO-OPERAS and TRIPLE contribute to this event with a joint session on “Prospecting a FAIR continuum for SSH data and publications”.
It is still possible to register to our session at GOFAIR symposium using this link:, and the code FAIRCONVERGE1.
The session will be on Thursday Dec. 3, at 11am UTC (10am CET) and you will find the agenda here:
The objectives are to identify the main actors of the FAIRification of SSH data and publications and their specific roles, and to start organizing collectively the SSH communities around potential convergences.
Your contributions are essential to the session, don’t hesitate to register to share with us your insights!