OPERAS-P Workshop: The Future of Scholarly Communication. Feb 24-16, 2021
OPERAS 2021-02-12
OPERAS-P, an H2020 project coordinated by CNRS, is organising a workshop Future of scholarly communication, which will be dedicated to discussing the outcomes of the research undertaken in the project’s Work Package 6 (Innovation).
![The Future of Scholarly Communication](https://f-origin.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2465/files/2021/02/Future-of-Scholarly-Communication-1-500x230.jpg)
Over the course of three days (24–26 February 2021) we will hold two panels a day, during which the research team will present their findings to gather feedback from invited experts and the audience. The different panels address specific scholarly communication topics: innovative governance models in social sciences and humanities (SSH), business models for open access books, multilingualism and bibliodiversity in SSH, opportunities and challenges of FAIRification of SSH data, the future of scholarly writing, and quality assessment of novel research and innovative publications in the SSH research.
For more information please contact Marta Błaszczyńska (marta.blaszczynska[a]ibl.waw.pl).
To register via Zoom please follow the link (Single registration for all panels): https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdumqrDMqH912EOsh1w3r2vxBIasclODE
(For bios of involved coordinators and panelists please scroll down)
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
10:00–11:30 CET Innovative models of governance
The discussion will focus on a critical review of modes of governance in distributed organisations and in the digital area, and recommendations for a governance model that can help manage smoothly the wide diversity of cultural backgrounds, expertise, level of commitment within its community, which is typical of SSH communities.
Coordinator: Valérie Schafer (C2DH, University of Luxembourg), Lars Wieneke (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)
Panelists: Lionel Maurel (INSHS, CNRS), Francesca Musiani (The Center for Internet and Society, CNRS), Jane Winters (University of London)
12:00–13:30 CET Innovative Business Models for OA books
The coordinators and panelists will talk about alternative funding and business models for both new, Open-Access born book publishers and existing non-OA book publishers looking to transition to OA publishing practices.
Coordinators: Rupert Gatti (Open Book Publishers), Agata Morka (Open Book Publishers)
Panelists: Mojca Kotar (University of Ljubljana), Sebastian Nordhoff (Language Science Press), Graham Stone (JISC)
Thursday, 25 February 2021
12:00–13:30 CET Innovative models of bibliodiversity in scholarly publications
The panel will focus on the innovative models related to multilingualism and bibliodiversity in SSH. SSH specific needs regarding scholarly communication in native languages need to be addressed: in those disciplines where language and concepts are very often not only means of communication but objects of research itself, the use of mother tongue is indispensable for in-depth understanding, and knowledge co-creation and sharing.
Coordinator: Delfim Leão (University of Coimbra)
Panelists: Margo Bargheer (University of Göttingen), Petar Jandrić (University of Zagreb), Sayri Karp (Guadalajara University)
15:00–16:30 CET Innovative approach to SSH FAIR data: publications as data
The panel will provide a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges that come with applying the FAIR data principles in SSH with a particular focus on understanding publications as research data. Innovative, community-driven solutions to FAIRification of SSH data will be presented and discussed.
Coordinators: Arnaud Gingold (OpenEdition), Elena Giglia (University of Turin), Karla Avanço (OpenEdition)
Panelists: Jennifer Edmond (Trinity College Dublin / DARIAH), Emilie Paquin (Érudit), Joachim Schöpfel (University of Lille)
Friday, 26 February 2021
10:00–11:30 CET Future of scholarly writing in SSH
The coordinators and panelists will explore the current writing practices in SSH and the researchers’ needs regarding the publishing technologies and both ongoing and upcoming transformations of the scholarly communication. The aim of the panel is to strive for a better understanding of the challenges and emerging practices of scholarly writing through discussion of innovative case studies and highlights of interviews with different stakeholders.
Coordinators: Maciej Maryl (IBL PAN), Marta Błaszczyńska (IBL PAN)
Panelists: Janneke Adema (Coventry University), Frederic Clavert (C2DH, University of Luxembourg), Ulrike Wuttke (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam)
12:00–13:30 CET Quality assessment of SSH research: innovations and challenges
The panel will focus on the quality assessment of novel research and innovative publications in the SSH research. It will seek to inform future innovation for peer reviewing emerging scholarly communications through the lense of use cases and findings of the interviews conducted with various stakeholders.
Coordinator: Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra (DARIAH)
Panelists: Anne Baillot (Le Mans Université), Emanuel Kulczycki (ENRESSH), Laurent Romary (Inria)
Innovative models of governance (Wednesday, 24 February 2021, 10:00–11:30 CET)
![Valérie Schafer](https://f-origin.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2465/files/2021/02/Valerie-Schafer-404x500.png)
Valérie Schafer has been a Professor in Contemporary European History at the C²DH (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History) at the University of Luxembourg since February 2018. She previously worked at the CNRS in France and is still an Associate Researcher at the Center for Internet and Society (CIS – CNRS UPR 2000). She specialises in the history of computing, telecommunications and data networks. Her main research interests are the history of the Internet and the Web, the history of European digital cultures and infrastructures, and born-digital heritage (especially Web archives). She is on the editorial board of the journals Le Temps des Médias, Flux and Cahiers François Viète and is a co-founder of the journal Internet Histories. Digital Technology, Culture and Society (Taylor & Francis). She is also a member of the Scientific Board of the Orange Group and of Afnic, the French domain name management company.
Lars Wieneke holds a PhD in Engineering from the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany. After graduating from the Technical University of Ilmenau he worked as a researcher in the Department of Interface Design at the Bauhaus-University Weimar. Funded by a Marie-Curie fellowship, Lars joined the EPOCH/CHIRON research group at the University of Brighton in January 2007 and specialised in the application of user-created content for museums and cultural heritage. In 2009, Lars worked as an independent consultant for museums and cultural heritage in France before becoming project manager of a joint research project between the Jewish Museum Berlin and the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. He joined the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) in 2011 and worked as a researcher in the Digital Humanities Lab. In 2014, he became the Head of the Information & Technology department at the CVCE. On the 1. of July 2016 he joined the University of Luxembourg and became head of the digital research infrastructure of C2DH in April 2017. Lars has worked in multiple international projects and networks. He acted as a work package leader in the FP7 funded project CUbRIK where he coordinated the development of histoGraph, a new tool for the indexation, exploration and analysis of multimedia archives that incorporates graph visualisation approaches and different levels of crowd-sorucing.
![Lionel Maurel](https://f-origin.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2465/files/2021/02/Lionel-Maurel-small-332x500.jpg)
Lionel Maurel is currently the Scientific Deputy Director at the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS) at the French CNRS. He is a lawyer, a librarian and an expert in authors’ rights related to the digital field. He is an Executive Assembly Member of OPERAS.
Francesca Musiani (PhD, socio-economics of innovation, MINES ParisTech, 2012), is associate research professor at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) since 2014. She is Deputy Director of the Center for Internet and Society of CNRS, which she co-founded with Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay in 2019. She is also an associate researcher at the Center for the sociology of innovation (i3/MINES ParisTech) and a Global Fellow at the Internet Governance Lab, American University in Washington, DC.
Her most recent research explores, or has explored, the development and use of encryption technologies in secure messaging (H2020 European project NEXTLEAP, 2016–2018), “digital resistances” to censorship and surveillance in the Russian Internet (ANR project ResisTIC, 2018–2021), and the governance of Web archives (ANR project Web90, 2014–2017 and CNRS Attentats-Recherche project ASAP, 2016). Francesca’s theoretical work explores STS approaches to Internet governance, with particular attention paid to socio-technical controversies and to governance “by architecture” and “by infrastructure”.
Jane Winters is professor of digital humanities and pro-dean for libraries and digital at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. She is co-editor of the open-access book series New Historical Perspectives and editor of a series on academic publishing, which is part of Cambridge University Press Elements: Publishing and Book Culture. Jane is Vice-President (Publications) of the Royal Historical Society. She has led or co-directed a range of digital projects, including Big UK Domain Data for the Arts and Humanities, Traces Through Time: Prosopography in Practice across Big Data, and Digging into Linked Parliamentary Data. Jane’s research interests include digital history, born-digital archives (particularly the archived web), the use of social media by cultural heritage institutions, and open-access publishing. She has published most recently on learned societies and humanities publishing, non-print legal deposit and web archives, born-digital archives and the problem of search, and the archiving and analysis of national web domains.
2. Innovative Business Models for OA books (Wednesday 24 February 2021, 12:00–13:30 CET)
Rupert Gatti, PhDis a co-founder and the third Director of Open Book Publishers. He is a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he is a Director of Studies in Economics. His published academic work includes microeconomic analysis of competition in online markets, game theory and search theory. He has held visiting positions at MIT and University of Florence, acted as an Economic Advisor on several EU competition studies, is on the advisory board of a range of Open Access initiatives and is a frequently invited speaker on the OA movement.
Agata Morka holds a PhD in Architectural History from the University of Washington, where she completed her dissertation on contemporary French train stations. For the past nine years she has been working with OA books. She is responsible for coordinating efforts between two European projects focusing on OA monographs: the OPERAS-P and the COPIM projects
Mojca Kotar participates in negotiations with academic publishers and helps within the public procurement of scientific journals. She acts as the OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk for Slovenia. Nationally, she participated in projects establishing openaccess.si portal (discontinued) and the national open access infrastructure for final works of studies and research publications. She was a member of the working group that prepared the draft national open access strategy and the draft action plan 2015-2020 (adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in September 2015 and May 2017).
Sebastian Nordhoff is the managing director of Language Science Press and has overseen the publication of 150+ open access books in linguistics since 2014. He is an advocate of full openness in the publication process. Next to open access, this includes the exclusive use of open source software, open peer review, and open finances. In the context of the OpenAire project /Full disclosure: replicable strategies for book publications supplemented with empirical data/, he published the /Cookbook for Open Access books/ in 2018, accompanied by the annotated LangSci business model.
Graham is Jisc’s subject matter expert for OA monographs. He is the lead for communications on OA monographs within Jisc and is responsible for developing and managing strategic relationships in this area in the UK and internationally. Before joining Jisc, he worked in the university sector for 23 years managing library resources budgets, OA services and a University Press. He is a Chartered Librarian, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and holds a professional doctorate for research on New University Press publishing. He is co-author of Techniques for Electronic Resource Management: TERMS and the Transition to Open.
3. Innovative models of bibliodiversity in scholarly publications (Thursday, 25 February 2021, 12:00–13:30 CET)
Delfim Leão is Full Professor at the Institute of Classical Studies at the University of Coimbra and Editor of “Brill’s Plutarch Studies”, “Humanitas-Supplementum” series and the “Atlantís-review”. Former Director of Coimbra University Press (2011-2021), he is Vice-Rector for Culture and Open Science. Specialization in the field of open scholarly communication: His scientific and professional activities include the development of two specialized digital platforms: the Classica Digitalia and the UC Digitalis. He is at present a member of the UNESCO Open Science Advisory Committee, representing the Western European and North American States.
Margo Bargheer is a trained graphic designer and holds a master degree in social anthropology and media studies. She is the team leader for electronic publishing at the library of Göttingen University. The team takes care of the university press, the institutional repositories, open access policies and support, institutional publication data management and ORCID and DOI service. Margo is spokesperson for AEUP and the working group for German speaking university presses. In that role she takes part in OPERAS working groups and the Knowledge Exchange T&F group for small publishers.
Petar Jandrić (PhD) is Professor at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia, and Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. His research interests are situated at the post-disciplinary intersections between technologies, pedagogies and the society, and research methodologies of his choice are inter-, trans-, and anti-disciplinarity. He is Editor-in-Chief of Postdigital Science and Education journal https://www.springer.com/journal/42438 and book series https://www.springer.com/series/16439. Personal website: http://petarjandric.com/.
Sayri Karp Mitastein: holds a degree in Hispanic Language and Literature from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and a master’s degree in Publishing from the Centro Internacional de Estudios Profesionales para Editores y Libreros, at the Universidad de Guadalajara.
She is currently the director of the Editorial de la Universidad de Guadalajara, an agency in which she has worked since 2002, when she was invited to create it. Since 2015 she has chaired the Association of University Publishers of Latin America and the Caribbean (EULAC). She is co-founder of Red Altexto de Editoriales Universitarias y Académicas de México, created in 2006, and member of its board of directors. Since 2004 she has been a member of the organizing committee of the International Forum on University and Academic Publishing, which is held as part of the activities for professionals at the Guadalajara International Book Fair.
In 2018 she received the University Publishing Merit distinction awarded by the University Book Fair, organized by the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, and the Rubén Bonifaz Nuño University Publisher Recognition awarded by UNAM in the framework of the International University Book Fair (Filuni).
4. Innovative approach to SSH FAIR data: Publications as data (Thursday, 25 February 2021, 15:00–16:30 CET)
Arnaud Gingold works at OpenEdition and is part of the OPERAS RI coordination team: he is the FAIR data officer of OPERAS and the project manager of CO-OPERAS, a GOFAIR Implementation Network. With a dual background in linguistics and digital resources management, he joined OPERAS in 2016 as a Technical Coordinator for the HIRMEOS project and is currently based in Marseille, France.
Elena Giglia, PhD, Masters’ Degree in Librarianship and Masters’ Degree in Public Institutions Management, is Head of the Open Access Office at the University of Turin. She is a member of the Committee on Open Science at the Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MIUR) She was a member of several national Working Groups (Open Access working group at the Conference of Italian University Rectors, AISA, Italian Association for Open Science, IOSSG, Italian Open Science Support Group).
She has been part of the European Open Science network since many years, attending national and international conferences, and writing and lecturing on Open Access and Open Science. She takes part as an expert in several EU Workshops on Open Access and Open Science. She coordinates the CO-OPERAS Implementation Network in GO FAIR and represents Italy in the OPERAS research infrastructure Core Group. She is OPERAS delegate within the EOSC Association since December 2020.
She serves in the Scientific Committee of the international OAI-CERN workshop on Innovation in Scholarly Communication, of the ELPUB conference, and of the IRCDL conference; she is a member of the Advisory Board of Open Knowledge Maps and Qeios. Since 2017 she is one of the two Italian NOADs for the OpenAIRE Advance H2020 project. She edits the web portal OA@UniTO, www.oa.unito.it.
Karla Avanço is the community manager of CO-OPERAS IN. With a PhD in linguistics, she reoriented to natural language processing. She also has experience in the areas of scientific translation and scientific publication. Karla Avanço is currently based at OpenEdition in Marseille, France.
Jennifer Edmond is Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at Trinity College Dublin where she is co-director of the Trinity Center for Digital Humanities, Director of the MPhil in Digital Humanities and Culture and a funded Investigator of the SFI ADAPT Centre. Outside of Trinity, Jennifer serves as President of the Board of Directors of the pan-European research infrastructure for the arts and humanities, DARIAH-EU, and was representative of this organisation on the European Commission’s Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) from 2016-2020. Over the course of the past 10 years, Jennifer has coordinated transnational, local or field-specific teams in a large number of significant inter- and transdisciplinary funded research projects, worth a total of almost €9m, including CENDARI (FP7), Europeana Cloud (FP7), NeDiMAH (ESF), PARTHENOS (H2020), KPLEX (H2020), PROVIDE-DH (CHIST-ERA/IRC) and the SPECTRESS network (FP7).
Émilie Paquin is the Director of Research and Strategic Development of the Érudit Consortium. With Érudit since 2008, she has been in charge of production and publisher relations, and has also been involved in major digitization projects. She has contributed to Érudit’s successful funding strategies as well as strategic planning for a diversified, equitable and independent research dissemination system.
Joachim Schöpfel is an associate professor in information sciences, specialized in scientific communication, at the GERiiCO laboratory of the University of Lille. He teaches information sciences to BA and Master students. Joachim’s current research projects are in the field of open science (open access strategies of 1,000+ French research laboratories), research information systems (ethics, data quality), research data (infrastructures, evaluation) and research infrastructures (assessment, metrics). He is working as an independent consultant for Ourouk, Paris (ORCID 0000-0002-4000-807X, Publications on HAL, Personal website).
5. Future of scholarly writing in SSH (Friday, 26 February 2021, 10:00–11.30 CET)
Maciej Maryl is assistant professor and Deputy Director of The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN); founding head of the Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He was awarded scholarships of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Foundation for Polish Science, Fulbright Junior Advanced Research Grant and Fulbright Senior Award. He is involved in DARIAH Digital Methods and Practices Observatory WG, ALLEA E-humanities Working Group, OPERAS Core Group, and OpenMethods Editorial Board. He is currently chair of a COST action New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent.
Marta Błaszczyńska is the Coordinator of the Digital Humanities Centre and a Senior Open Science Officer at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) in Warsaw, Poland. She has been involved in the work of OPERAS-P, TRIPLE (both with the OPERAS consortium), SHAPE-ID, and OBERRED. Marta is the co-chair of the DARIAH Research Data Management Working Group.
Janneke Adema is an Assistant Professor in Digital Media at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures at Coventry University. In her research she explores the future of scholarly communications and experimental forms of knowledge production, where her work incorporates processual and performative publishing, radical open access, scholarly poethics, media studies, book history, cultural studies, and critical theory. She explores these issues in depth in her various publications, but also by supporting a variety of scholar-led, not-for-profit publishing projects, including the Radical Open Access Collective, Open Humanities Press, ScholarLed, and Post Office Press (POP). She is currently Co-PI on the Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) project (copim.ac.uk). Her monograph Living Books. Experiments in the Posthumanities, will be published by the MIT Press in 2021. You can follow her research on openreflections.wordpress.com.
Frédéric Clavert, holder of a PhD in Contemporary History, is assistant professor at the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (University of Luxembourg) since 2017. He worked as a researcher in Strasbourg and at the University of Lausanne and as research engineer at Paris-Sorbonne University for the “Writing a new history of Europe” Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx-EHNE). His research focuses on three main areas: the history of economic and monetary organisation across the European continent in the 20th and 21st centuries, collective memory of the past in the age of big data, and the relationship between historians and their digital primary sources.
He is co-editor with Caroline Muller (Rennes 2) of the oneline book Le goût de l’archive à l’ère numérique (https://www.gout-numerique.net) that investigates historians’ changing relations to their primary sources. He is also managing editor of the Journal of Digital history (https://journalofdigitalhistory.org/)
Dr. Ulrike Wuttke has been an interim professor for Library and Information Technologies and Digital Services at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 2020. Her teaching and research interests include digital research infrastructures, research data management, digital humanities, scholarly communication, and open science. She contributes to various national and international networks and working groups in these areas (link to personal website: https://ulrikewuttke.wordpress.com/, ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8217-4025, Twitter @UWuttke).
6. Quality assessment of SSH research: innovations and challenges (Friday, 26 February 2021, 12:00–13:30 CET)
Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra works as the Open Science Officer of DARIAH-EU where she is responsible for fostering and implementing policies and practices related to the open dissemination of research results in the humanities. She received her PhD in Cultural Linguistics and also has a background in scholarly communication. She blogs at: https://dariahopen.hypotheses.org/.
Anne Baillot is a Full Professor in German Studies at Le Mans Université since 2017. She studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. After her PhD, she stayed 15 years in Berlin as a post-doc, then as a junior research group leader, and finally as an expert in digital methods for the Humanities. Her research deals with Enlightenment, German Romanticism, Textual Studies and archival discursivities. She is strongly rooted in the Digital Humanities community, where she is known for proactively advocating for Open Access.
Emanuel Kulczycki is the head of Scholarly Communication Research Group (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) and a policy advisor to the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland. In 2018–2020, the chair of the European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH). His recent papers were published in ‘Nature’, ‘Research Evaluation’, ‘Journal of Informetrics’, and ‘Scientometrics’. More information: emanuelkulczycki.com
Laurent Romary is Senior Researcher at Inria, France and former initiator and director general of the DARIAH European infrastructure. He carries out research on the modelling of semi-structured documents, with a specific emphasis on texts and linguistic resources. He has been active in standardisation activities with ISO, as chair of committee ISO/TC 37/SC 4 (2002–2014), chair of ISO/TC 37 (2016–) and the Text Encoding Initiative, as member (2001–2011) and chair (2008–2011) of its technical council. He has been involved in scientific information, now called open science, policies and corresponding infrastructure deployments (HAL, Episciences) since 2005.
![OPERAS-P Funding](https://f-origin.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2465/files/2020/02/Funding-OPERAS-P-web-2-500x51.jpg)